David Alpha releases Rockin’ Roulette
David Alpha releases Rockin’ Roulette David Alpha is a man of many faces; from sojourning blues/punk man, to underground...
David Alpha releases Rockin’ Roulette David Alpha is a man of many faces; from sojourning blues/punk man, to underground...
GOOGLE PLAY: https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Appalachian_Road_Show_Barry_Abernathy_Darrell_Webb?id=Bzzey3bppb66alxuczyo2w6mtuy The first track of Barry Abernathy and Darrell Webb present Appalachian Road Show features a stoic monologue from a...
REVERBNATION: https://www.reverbnation.com/tedhajnasiewicz/song/30159271-if-i-could-leave-this-place-tomorrow Ted Hajnasiewicz’s new single “If I Could Leave This Place Tomorrow” drives straight to the heart of...
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/thecoldstares/ A spitfire guitar riff catapults its angst-ridden scowl at us in the first couple of bars that...
Roses and Cigarettes releases acoustic EP by Michael Rand Indie unit Roses and Cigarettes charmed American audiences and critics...
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/capishmusic1/ Cap, born Michael Capshaw, continues establishing a lasting reputation as one of the most creative forces on...
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/elbuenlaban The gilded, percussion-led opening bars of Labán’s “Dueños de Aquí” cascade from the speakers like condensation streaking...
REVERBNATION: https://www.reverbnation.com/olivertwisted8 The title track from Oliver Twisted’s forthcoming album release Wrath of a Winner realizes, in its own individual fashion,...
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/SZANDRAVMAYER/ Hungarian/Spanish-American singer, Szandra Mayer’s Latin musical inflections come on with zeal for her latest-greatest single “Paradise” following...
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Opposite-Day-52790728943/?rf=113712215311170 Alternative music has had a tough go of it in the last year, but cerebral progressive metal...