Exclusive Interview with Jazmin Kylene

We are SO excited to be chatting with YOU! We hear you’re hosting a new show on IG Live called “The Bsquared Boost” tell us MORE! 

Yes! It’s an IG Live show where I interview different artists and creatives on what makes them special and why they chose to follow their dreams before waiting for anyone else to give them permission! It’s incredibly inspiring.

Do you often feel more doubtful or daring when putting out new projects? 

I try to quiet any doubtful thoughts but you’re only human and they’re bound to happen! I trust myself and the process and know that if my idea comes from my soul, it’s bound to be great!

If you could go back and tell a younger you something, what would it be?

To listen to her intuition, to stop overthinking, to believe in herself, to speak up for herself.

What have been the most difficult lessons to learn when it comes to hosting? 

I’ve learned that no matter how long you prepare your questions and memorize how you want the interview to go, nothing beats actually being present and engaged with your interviewee. The best interviews happen as conversations!

Where can our audience find you and support all your current and new projects!! 

Thank you so much! You can visit LaliLaLuna.TV or follow me on Instagram @jazminkylene or @lalilalunatv

For Press Inquiries: bsquaredmgmt@gmail.com

End of Interview

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