Rhonda Swan: How To Use Guest Posting To Amplify Your Brand

Want to expand your reach for free? Would you like to widen your audience? Do you wish to find new customers in places that you’d typically never think about?
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, it’s time to consider the wide-ranging benefits of guest posting.
Guest posting is writing content for another person’s blog. Often that person might be a competitor or someone else in the same niche. Plus, those blogs usually aren’t paying you anything for your work.
It sounds a bit counterintuitive when stated like that, right? Well, don’t worry. Guest posting is still an easy and reliable way to boost your traffic and build your personal brand.
As someone with over a decade of branding experience, I can speak to the power of guest posting. At Unstoppable Branding Agency, our mission is to turn everyday people into rockstars. How do you do that? By getting them out in front of other people and building their reputation.
It just so happens that guest posting fulfills this role.
Let me explain.

The Power of Guest Posting
Guest posting is all about delivering high-quality content to places outside of your regular audience.
Why is this tactic so effective? Here are just a few benefits:
The internet is a busy place, and it can be difficult to connect with those you want to reach. You might be able to find your top influencers on sites like LinkedIn, but that doesn’t mean they’ll give you the time of day.
However, guest posting can open the doors you never knew existed. Nobody can turn down high-quality content — not even savvy influencers.
Almost every influencer wants to generate content of some sort to boost their brand. The problem is that crafting high-quality content is difficult and time-consuming. This is where guest posting shines.
How can someone say no to free content written by someone else? They’ll gladly attribute your name and talent to the post so long as they can share it on their social media feeds. It’s a win-win situation.
Guest Posting Will Bring You a New Audience
When’s the last time you found out about a person or service because they were featured on your favorite television show or podcast?
This type of cross-promotion is one of the best ways to build an audience.
Guest posting is the same concept. Potential audience members won’t go out of their way to find out who you are. It’s up to you to show up in the spots where they frequent.
By crafting high-quality and sexy content you know their audience will like, you can win over new loyal followers. You’re essentially saying, ‘Hey, I produce similar content that I think you’ll enjoy as well!’
To maximize these opportunities, have your guest posts point to a landing page that will convert visitors. Make sure you can deliver something that will help turn them from a visitor to a loyal customer.

Create Quality Backlinks
In today’s content-filled world, SEO is everything. Getting to the top page of Google Search results is a surefire way to build traffic and increase your conversion rate. The problem is that it’s not an easy feat.
One of the best ways to generate traffic is by building quality backlinks. Simply put, the more backlinks to your website, the better it will rank.
But that’s not all. Google wants quality websites to link back to your website. What does that mean?
Well, the websites should have high domain authority. That means the website is trustworthy and popular. That means regular visitors trust the site as much as bots.
Most guest posts allow websites to link back to their owner’s websites. This is a fantastic opportunity to build your domain authority and provide a way for readers to visit your website.
Establish Yourself as a Thought Leader
Oprah Winfrey. Tony Robbins. Simon Sinek. Lolly Daskal. Sheryl Sandberg.
Love them or hate them; they’re influential figures with large audiences. That’s because these people are thought leaders — well-established and respected members of their respective fields.
Why are these figures so well-loved?
First, they’ve got the experience to back it up. They walk the walk and talk the talk. Their track record proves that they have the skills to succeed and teach everyone else how to accomplish the same things.
Second, they’re great at personal branding. They’re always featured in articles, news stories, and opinion pieces. They get their name out there. They’re in front of people’s eyes no matter where you look.
As for me, I’ve established myself as a thought leader in the branding niche. My reputation has helped bring me clients from around the globe. Guest posting is just one way to give your brand the widespread recognition it deserves. When combined with other branding techniques you too can become truly unstoppable.
Want to learn more about branding? Check out our Personal Branding Strategy Playbook for tips and tricks.
Article by Rhonda Swan