Thelma Reese and BJ Kittredge How Seniors Are Saving the World

Thelma Reese and BJ Kittredge are making an important contribution to the world of non-fiction with their title How Seniors Are Saving the World: Retirement Activism to the Rescue! Ageism, as they point out in the text, is a very real thing and manifests itself in many ways – one of those is our relatively benign belief that advancing years confers on all of us gradually expanding irrelevance. Reese and Kittredge’s book pushes back against that narrative with prose that is exact, yet energetic, and strikes a conversational tone for the reader rather than overtly championing a particular cause. Though the book definitely has an informative slant, I think its primary purpose is to inspire – not just seniors, but rather anyone interested. How Seniors Are Saving the World is the rare book that affords us the opportunity to view a certain demographic in a new light. 


Some might prefer a typical academic study about how seniors still wield considerable influence and influence over the world, but that isn’t how Reese and Kittredge choose to approach the subject. Instead, they frame their book in a series of personal profiles and utilize individual stories to make their case that many seniors still cast long shadows over their world and retain the capacity to alter others’ lives and their own for the better. They show a practically novelistic eye for comprehending the character of their subjects as each of the portraits is drawn with an eye towards decoding their motivations and taking the measure of their personality. These people, in the hands of Kittredge and Reese, come to life for readers without fail. 

The book isn’t lengthy, but Reese and Kittredge do a fantastic job of encompassing the book’s theme in few pages. This testifies to their talents as writers; there’s a clean and focused energy running through How Seniors Are Saving the World, but the aforementioned design of the book is key. The co-authors never linger for long on a particular individual and our near constant introduction to new stories keeps the book at a pleasing clip. The book is ultimately defined by its humanity – it is obvious that Reese and Kittredge are passionately interested in people’s stories and their cheerleading for seniors never comes across in an overbearing way. 


How Seniors Are Saving the World has an inspiring air. The co-authors wrote the book with the clear aim of empowering seniors to see themselves as possessing continued relevance in a rapidly changing world. It has other goals, such as dissuading readers of the belief that seniors have little left to offer the world at large, but their mission to inspire their readership remains paramount. Thelma Reese and BJ Kittredge have written an outstanding study of an underserved age group and How Seniors Are Saving the World: Retirement Activism to the Rescue! will remain a relevant non-fictional work for years to come. It is a book you can open at any point and begin reading. Moreover, it should prove popular and find an audience without much difficulty.

Michael Rand

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