Sherry Nelson: “Supermodel Becomes TV Co-Host”
Maxim model Sherry Nelson has recently been co-hosting the celebrity interview TV show titled, “Movie Reviews and More” with the popular radio and television personality Brian Sebastian. Quarantined in a small, distant village in Canadian British Columbia, with US and Canadian boarders still closed, Sherry zooms the interviews from a picturesque farm setting in the background. Resting upon 300 acres Sherry rooms with Bud her very cute dad, Diva her White Chihuahua, and plenty of brown cows peering their heads through the windows.

I exchanged questions and answers with Sherry regarding her new-found career while she awaits her escape to the US……
How did you meet Brian Sebastian from “Movie Reviews and More”, and how did you become a co- host?
My very good friend, Trixie Gynn of Custom Trends, suggested Brian Sebastian contact me to discuss lumber sourcing for his Dream Weaver ranch, because I used to do lumber sales for my family’s company in British Columbia. We had a great couple of conversations on the phone, and then he asked if I would like to join a group Podcast among his co-hosts for his show ‘Movie Reviews and More’. I’ve been fortunate ever since to be working with Brian on this very popular show.
How much research is involved in learning about each guest?
Once Brian sends out the line up of guests appearing on the show for the upcoming week, I begin researching right away.
I never ever want to disrespect Mr. Brian Sebastion, his platform, or any guest that appears on the show, so I am consciously working to get to know that person or their product in hopes of providing them with the best possible experience to promote their message.
How do you choose your interview questions?
After learning as much as I can about that person or product, I will also research other shows they have done so that my questioning does not repeat their previous interviews.

I genuinely hope that the guest has a positive and memorable experience on Brian’s show. If I can elevate that person or product to a higher level than before they came on the show, then I will have succeeded in making their time worth while.
How do you make sure that you and Brian do not overlap when asking the guest questions?
It is Brian’s show, so I am happy to follow his lead. He has fantastic instincts and great longevity in this industry, so I get a bonus of learning from the guest and Brian on each show.
I do not like chaos or over talking on a show, so I just wait for a possible opening to come along before I interject. I do hope that Brian’s show is truly enjoyable for his audience and that it becomes known as a place where people can learn new things, and be inspired by his guests.
What do you enjoy most about appearing as a cohost?
Meeting the many guests that appear on the show. So far, each one has been a delightful experience, and one where I sincerely hope I have made a new friend at the end of each conversation.
The other co-hosts on the show are exceptional in their own unique way, which really adds to the growing allure of ‘Movie Reviews and More’. I highly recommend people visit the shows Facebook page to see these beautiful women and the immense value they also bring to Brian’s show.
What are some of your biggest challenges in preparing to go on air?
My nerves are my biggest challenge. As I mentioned previously, I hope to give the guest and the audience a best experience possible. Sohojohnny Pasquale, whom I hold in very high regard, was on the show and I kept freezing and my sound was causing me problems. Prior to the interview I had prepared what I had hoped would be an honorable introduction for this great man, but I couldn’t get it out. God Bless this man as Johnny was so patient and kind to me, as was Brian Sebastian and my beautiful co-host Linda Steele, that finally everything came together and we had a great show.

Poor Wi-Fi connection is sometimes a challenge for me living in a rural area. I felt terrible when Legendary guitarist Kenny Olson came on and I completely lost connection during the interview. There was a wind-storm and my Wi-Fi shut down. Thankfully it bumped me out for only a few minutes and I got back on.
Describe the premise of Brian’s show?
‘Movie Reviews and More’ is a wonderful show for anyone looking to relax and unwind after a day of work, or before bed. If has that comfortable feeling Johnny Carson gave his audience as you listened to a conversation among friends. It is a place where you will be inspired by innovators, philanthropists, artists, and health enthusiasts. It is a show that both men and women, of all demographics and ages will enjoy.

Brian Sebastian’s show has become a place where exceptionally gifted and talented people come to promote their new music, movies, books, and events. His audience is growing exponentially every day and I am so grateful to be apart of that.
Watch Movie Reviews and More on Youtube here:
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Interview By Eileen Shapiro