Izzie’s Caravan Releases ”Blow The Lid” LP

The music industry is nothing if not constant, and the folks at the top of the ladder one day might find themselves clinging onto the ladder’s broken rungs as they plummet towards the bottom the next. It’s an ever-changing, always-shifting, unpredictable landscape to aspire towards having a career in and that’s just in regards to the impossibility of chasing the public consciousness and fads — the morality of the entertainment industry and the baggage that comes attached to the cemetery’s worth of skeletons in the closet is another question entirely, and that question was exactly what initially trumped the impeccably talented Izzie (now of Izzie’s Caravan.) Before forming Izzie’s Caravan, however, Izzie chased rock-stardom in the form of The Deep Impacters and after releasing a couple of albums, became fully disillusioned with the music industry solely as a concept. Hanging up his guitar for years to come, the dream was done. Or… was it?

URL: https://izziescaravan.com/

Fast forward a chunk or two of time to Izzie getting the band back together; bringing on Deep Impacters alumnus Sim as well as newcomers Robbie on the keys and Roque on bass, the work was done establishing a new era. A few EPs and singles later and the ever-talented Izzie was ready to release a debut LP with his newfound confidence and, most importantly, desire to create first and foremost for himself. The LP is titled Blow The Lid, and its eight tracks are far from what you’d expect off of a debut project from a group. The genre tackled keeps itself contained mostly to rock, but dabbles in a variety of subgenres and influences all boldly worn on the band’s sleeve. Listeners might recognize the immediate persuasions most closely tied to Aerosmith and Eric Clapton, but Izzie’s knowledge runs deep and his love for blues legends like Muddy Waters and Buddy Guy are just as integral to the DNA that makes up Izzie’s Caravan as much as the more contemporary pieces.

Blow The Lid features impeccably raw production for most of its runtime until it’s overflowing with musical ambition in its final, nearly-twenty-minutes in length album closer “Curse of Anastasia.” The song makes stops in every subgenre of rock like an over-eager dad pulling the car over for roadside attractions on a cross-country family road trip, but the road trip that is “Curse of Anastasia” is something well worth documenting in its sheer ambition and skilled production. Other noteworthy standouts are the rip-roaring first track “Roadkill Rita,” whose down and dirty production introduces listeners to the flavor still to come with the impending album, and the title track “Blow the Lid.” The latter does its namesake proud as an encapsulation of the album in a concise yet formidable form, even using sound effects to fully set the stage for the album’s centerpiece entry.

Izzie’s Caravan is making their presence known in a bold new way, and there’s no doubt that their fanbase numbers will soon skyrocket! The prospect of seeing Blow The Lid performed live is enough to give any fan of live music goosebumps, and listening to it at home should do the trick just the same.

Michel Rand

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