Exclusive Interviw with Forseeing Fools

What music do you have in the works right now?

We are working on a new material. Should come out in Spring 2022

How can we stream it?

Our EPs can be streamed on all music platforms 

First EP “Bootleg Cigarette” with four song on it, came out 2019


(Bootleg Cigarette, Cherisher Grin, 27, Safe)

Second Ep “Put the Devil In Hell” with four songs, Came out in 2020


(Whiskey and Riots, Straight Shooter, Unlawful Affaire, Cruel Woman)

How would you describe your music?

We call it Americana Mod, but our listeners say it’s “Blues & Americana infused Psychedelic Rock band”

What does a day look like for you?

We work full time in Safety for the Gold/silver mines in Nevada. We also play music full time as well. Our days are usually fast and furious, so coffee is our best friend. Usually the day starts out with CC making coffee in the morning ( which can be an adventure, she is always spilling something). Then Jimbob Rolls out of bed asking “honey Have you seen my pants” (lego movie was not kidding when they put that line in the cartoon). 8:00to 5:00 we are just adulting. After work we jump in the band room and practice for hours. Half the time is bickering about how to make the songs better. Band practice is definitely the highlight of the day. After all that, it is the second best part of the day BEDTIME! 

Do you ever feel guilty for taking a day off? 

Yes for music, work yea never feel guilty about taking days off. It feels like if we take a day off of music we waste a day. We could have worked on a new song or practiced the dreadful scales. Kind of feels like you didn’t make time for your girlfriend/boyfriend (partner).  

Anything unreleased that you want to release but don’t feel it’s ready?

We have some unreleased music, but we will probably never record them. The songs were just fun bar songs, to kill time when we play at bars for 6hr. Just super simple progressions and silly lyrics. 

Where can our audience follow you?

You can find us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Tiktok, Clapper, Twitch, Twitter, and YouTube. 



IG: https://www.instagram.com/foreseeingfools/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUIjhKC041d5g5VkdECJ9Fw

For Press Inquiries: bsquaredmgmt@gmail.com

End of Interview

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