Exclusive Interview with The Radio Buzzkills

Where did each member of The Radio Buzzkills grow up?

Gene grew up in North County St.Louis. Bass Amp and Zac are from St.Louis, Jenny is from Central Illinois.  

What is the musical background of The Radio Buzzkills and why does it all work together so well?

We come from a wide range of influences. Gene is really a metal guitarist in disguise, Bass Amp is a Rock n’ Roller, Zac is the major pop punk guy. But we all have an appreciate for punk rock and the golden oldies of rock n’ roll. 

Who are your favorite punk bands?

Captain Geech and the Shrimp Shack Shooters

How would you describe your stage show? 

Sweaters, Banners, Dancing.

In what ways has your newest music changed from when you first started?

It’s a typical gutter pop show….dancing, rock n’ rollin, dancing, sweat. 

What would be your dream venue in which to perform and favorite cities you’ve yet to play? 

Our dream venue would be opening up for Abraham Lincoln at the Gettysburg Address. We’d destroy. Lincoln closes the show with a speech. The Civil War Section in high school American history classes significantly got less boring.   

We’re not sure what our favorite cities we’ve yet to play because we’ve yet to play there. I guess Bethesda, Maryland if I have to pick one. 

Any great road stories to share?

Zac got ring worm.  

Where does the band like to unwind and chill together? Any favorite local hangs?

We don’t chill together. This is business only. Zac hasn’t made eye contact with Bass Amp in weeks. 

Please list social media links and SPOTIFY link.

BUY it here!  https://outloudrecords.bandcamp.com/album/get-lost

Listen for free here:

BUY it here!  https://outloudrecords.bandcamp.com/album/get-lost

End of Interview

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