Mobster Dashboard
Here you will find all you need to know on how to write post, use WordPress, see your views and share your content with your friends.
Links to Know
- Mobsters: See all the Mobsters who are currently active and start making some friends.
- Profile: Here is what other Mobsters will be able to see and edit your bio, social links and to reach you for collaborations
- WP Dashboard: You can still access the backend of Wordpresd and post content with the new editor.
How to WordPress
Click here to see what the new WordPress editor has in store for you. You will see it is a lot easier to add images, videos and customize your post with font and colors as well.
Uploading Images
To complete your profile, upload your images according to these specs:
Image Upload Maximum Width (px) – 2048px
Cover Photo Minimum Width (px) – 600px
Images must not be bigger than 2MB.
We recommend using Canva or Snappa to create the right size image for all your posts and social media needs.